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Well-placed plantings can significantly temper the microclimate around a home, resulting in a more comfortable environment and big savings in heating and cooling costs over time. Return to Table of Contents
Windbreaks for Winter SavingsIn a windy site, a windbreak or shelterbelt planting can account for up to 50 percent wind reduction with a 20 to 40 percent reduction in heating fuel consumption. In a calmer spot, wind barriers can still reduce fuel use by 10 percent or more. A wind barrier that permits 50 to 60 percent wind penetration is more effective than a solid barrier because it provides a larger area of protection on the leeward side. Evergreen conifers (needle-leaf trees) are a perfect barrier to winter winds.
Location. The correct location of a windbreak is essential to its ability to cut fuel consumption. Windbreaks should be placed at right angles to the prevailing winter wind-on the north and west in most parts of Virginia. The windbreak should be longer than the area to be protected. Wherever space permits, an extension on the east side will help, too. Generally, savings from windbreaks increase as the protected perimeter of a house increases; however, even only a few well-placed trees make a difference. Wind reduction downwind occurs for a distance up to 30 times the height of a windbreak; the amount of reduction varies depending on the density (the thickness of branches and foliage) of the windbreak. Therefore, a house receives the most protection from a 20-foot-high planting not more than 400 feet from the windward side. If a windbreak is required on the south side, it must be placed farther away to prevent winter shading. Suitable Species. Choose a relatively fast- growing, dense conifer species with stiff branches that will mature at a height about 1 1/2 times the height of the house. The species should retain branches low to the ground at maturity. White pine drops its lower branches and is not recommended as a primary windbreak. If you have or wish to use a white pine windbreak on your property, add a row of dense evergreen shrubs, such as arborvitae, to the windward side. Norway, white, and Colorado blue spruce are among the best windbreak trees; blue spruce usually provides the most protection, but is slower-growing than the others. Check locally to find evergreens that grow best in your area. Spacing. The effectiveness of a windbreak generally increases with each added row, up to five rows. With dense trees such as spruce, two rows are usually the most cost-effective. The spacing of trees within a windbreak depends on the species used. Pine and spruce should be placed about 6 feet apart in the rows. Cedar and arborvitae should be 3 to 4 feet apart. The rows should be roughly 10 to 12 feet apart, and should be staggered, not aligned. Preparation and Planning. Soil preparation prior to planting should include testing the soil and applying nutrients and lime as recommended, in addition to breaking compacted soil to a depth of 6 to 15 inches. Early spring is a good time to plant windbreaks, as it allows the plants to acclimate to the site before the first winter. Return to Table of Contents
Shade for Summer SavingsWell-placed trees and shrubs can also help cut air conditioning costs. Trees, shrubs, ground covers, and grass affect solar radiation more than structural devices, such as awnings. Deciduous plants drop their leaves in winter and have the advantage of allowing sun to reach buildings in the winter for warmth, yet providing shade during the summer. Shade trees can significantly reduce air temperatures indoors in the summer, as trees intercept and soak up the sun's heat while transpiring cooling moisture into the air. Air- conditioners run much less in a house shaded by trees than they do in a house with a sunbaked roof and walls. Shade trees should be planted mainly to the south and west sides of the house. The placement of shrubs around an outdoor condenser or heat pump also saves energy. The major considerations for selecting shade tree species for summer cooling are adaptability to your site, ease of maintenance, and aesthetics. Most broad-leaved, deciduous trees are dense enough to block direct summer sun rays. Shrubs can also help reduce energy use by shading walls in summer, but don't allow tall- growing shrubs to block the winter sun from your windows. In summer, deciduous vines on trellises can be used to cool walls which face south or west. Behind the trellis, a convection current carries warm air away from the wall. Added summer heat reduction can come from the use of lawn grasses and ground cover plants. Glare can be reduced by lawns, and green ground covers outside of windows also reduce summer temperatures of the immediate area by 10 to 14 percent. Return to Table of Contents
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