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A Fragrance Garden—Designing with Fresh Scents and Heady Perfumes
by Meghan Ray*

Fragrant plants can make the difference between a pretty garden and an unforgettable one. Whether it's the fresh scent of herbs on a summer day or the heady perfume of tropical flowers on a warm night, fragrance always adds an extra dimension of enjoyment. Smells have an emotional impact that visual impressions often lack. People will go to great lengths to track down the source of an appealing smell.

We have all heard the complaint that modern breeding has sapped the fragrance out of some garden favorites, but there is still a wealth of good options for almost any garden situation. In addition, many plants with fragrant foliage are unattractive to pests. The plan below offers some reliable and readily available recommendations for a fragrance garden. Once established, this garden will be fairly drought-tolerant and easy to care for. The plants need at least half a day of sunlight and reasonably well drained soil.

Daffodils (Narcissus 'Actea', 'Ice Wings', and 'Hawera'), though not illustrated, are planted throughout the bed for early-season interest. Hybrid lilies (Lilium 'African Queen' and 'Royal Sunset') are used for vertical relief. Fragrant annuals, such as Nicotiana species, can also be planted among the perennials to add fullness and color. Since fragrance is a personal matter, and because preferences vary widely, it is a good idea to sample each plant before including it in your garden.

  1. Abelia x grandiflora 'Compacta' (Abelia)

  2. Cytisus x dallimorei 'Lena' (Broom)

  3. Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Feuerhexe' (Clove pink)

  4. Dianthus 'Tiny Rubies' (Clove pink)

  5. Hosta plantaginea 'Aphrodite' (Plantain lily)

  6. Lantana camara 'Miss Huff' (Hardy lantana)

  7. Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' (Lavender)

  1. Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina' (European honeysuckle)

  2. Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' (Oregano)

  3. Rosa 'Aloha' (Climbing rose)

  4. Salvia officinalis (Sage)

  5. Thymus vulgaris 'Argenteus' (Silver thyme)

  6. Valeriana officinalis (Garden heliotrope

Meghan Ray* is curator of the fern collection, the Fragrance Garden, and the Shakespeare Garden at Brooklyn Botanic Garden

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Last modified: August 28, 2014