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NBF-36, 36"H, easy flex corner installation

Old-fashioned bamboo picket fences adds a traditional touch to a home, as well as to provide privacy and security. The wire between the poles are covered with sections of bamboo and the gaps between poles allows for an open picket fence look. The spaced pole design of the picket fence allows a homeowner to see the property while also securing it.

Our bamboo picket fence gives you another option to one of the most popular fence styles. Regular bamboo picket fences are built with 1" to 1.5" bamboo poles. The pre-built section comes in 24", 36",  48"tall and 60' long.

NBF-24, 24"H

Picture from a happy customer, NBF-24

Key Features     

  • Country style picket fence made with bamboo poles.

  • Built with 1"-1.5" regular bamboo poles.

  • NO assembly required.

  • Over all 24", 36", 48" high and all 60" long.

  • Easy set up using galvanized wire or screw to a post.

Pricing & Purchase





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Bamboo  picket fence rolled  Fence

$28.34 + shipping,

    5'L x 2'H



Bamboo picket fence rolled  Fence

$42.81 + shipping,

    5'L x 3'H



Bamboo picket fence rolled  Fence

49.33 + shipping,

    5'L x 4'H



Garden Wood Stakes

set of 4 / $2.50 + shipping
set of  8/  $4.50 + shipping
set of 12 / $6.50 + shipping

      20"H x 1.5"D


Garden Wood Stakes

set of 4 / $4.00 + shipping
set of  8/  $6.00 + shipping
set of 12 / $8.00 + shipping

      40"H x 1.5"D





                                                        Set Decorators Society of America (SDSA) | Los Angeles CA
 Botanical Garden Conservation    Association of Zoological Horticulture     Public Garden Association                NAJGA                                       IAAPA                                                     SDSA

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