Banana Fiber

Master Garden Product
Innovate to Conserve Natural Resources

Banana Plants where fiber come from the trunk or the main stem of the plant

The banana plant can become quite tall in a short amount of time, up to 25 feet in height in a year. The banana plant typically produces fruit 15-18 months after planting.  After the banana plant flowers and fruits, the top portion of the plant dies and another plant sprouts up from the same roots to replace the previous banana plant.

Bananas is one of the most important fruit growth commercially in the world, they are being growth in the tropical and sub tropical region of the world, million of acres of bananas plantation helping numerous farmer generating income for them.

Bananas also generate several kinds of waste and one is the part of the bunch that holds the fruit together. The cellulose fiber once left to rot in the fields is now reclaimed through a thermal-mechanical process. In figuring out how to put tons of banana waste to good use, many other ways are also being tested to find efficient way to helped solve an industry problem in an environmentally sound manner as well as improving the life of the people living around the region.

Banana fiber are being processed and used to weave into fabric to make house hold furnishing, decorative mat, and others. There are also way to make banana stalks into paper, a highly visible product now commonly seen in gift shops across Costa Rica The banana industry also puts cellulose to other uses � especially in the production of organic fertilizer.



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Last modified: December 27, 2015